Thursday, November 29, 2012

H Snatch, Sw/Sq, Swings

Swings 24kg  
25 swings at the top of the minute x4  (100 swings)

H Snatch   20kg
3r/3l x6
** rested between each set @ 1 min.

No Brainer Swing/Squat
starting at the top of the min- worked out to be :30on/:30off
1 2hd sw/1 sq
2 2hd sw/1 sq
3 2hd sw/1 sq
3 rounds

GS Swings 24kg  :30/:30 for 1:00 w/1:00 x 2
GS Swings 28kg    5r/5l  x1

** H Sn first 2 sets 3rpm, last 4 sets 3 h sn every :45