Monday, October 1, 2012

Swings, H Snatch, Squats

Swings  24kg
25 swings at the top of the minute x4  (100 swings)

H Snatch  20kg  5:00 work/2:00 rest  x4
** first 3 sets - at top of :30 - held at top for :20; held in rack for :10
** last set first 2:00 same as above, last 3:00 4rpm 
** 46 total h snatches

Squats  2- 8kg   :30 work/:30 rest x5  (20 squats total)

Yoga: Quick  Fix

** I have extra time today and tomorrow, no school for me, so I was able to play around a little longer with my training.
** the h snatch was fun, could have gone one more set/round, but I didn’t want to push it