Monday, May 16, 2011


100 swings 14kg

From Tracys blog 1.28.11

2 12kg's
1 sw/1 cl x 8, 30 sec work/rest

cl/pr x 6, 30 sec work/rest

x 5 = 10 min.

1 sw/1 cl x 8, 30 sec work/rest

cl/ push pr x 6, 30 sec work/rest

x 5 = 10 min.

1 sw/1 cl x 8, 30 sec work/rest

cl/jerk x 6, 30 sec work/rest

x 5 = 10 min.

that was a 30 minute workout...

** Great workout! Ran out of time, wanted to do double snatches with the 20#kbs....=(
** used 2 12kgs, stayed within the time Rx'd except took an extra :30 in the second set between the sw/cl and starting the cl/pp and an extra :30 in the 3rd set between the sw/cl and the cl/jerk.