Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Swings, Clean, Squats

2 chinups

Rotation #1
10 2 hand sw x 4 sets (15/15 x 4 = 2.0 min)
5/5 one hd sw x 4 sets (15/15 x 4 = 2.0 min)
5/5 + 10 2 hd sw x 1 set (30/30 x 1 = 1.0 min)
100 swing reps, 5.0 min
Rotation #2
2/1 swing ladder x 4 sets (15/15 x 4 = 2.0 min)
5/5 + 2/1 sw ld x 1 set (30/30 x 1 = 1.0 min)
60 swing reps, 3.0 min
Last rotation
10 transfer sw x 4 sets (15/15 x 4 = 2.0 min)
5/5 + 2/1 sw ld x 1 set (30/30 x 1 = 1.0)
2/1 sw ld + 10 tr x 1 set (30/30 x 1 = 1.0 min)
80 swing reps, 4.0 min
5/5 + 2/1 sw ld + 10 tr (45 sec/45 sec x 1 = 1.5 min)
5/5 + 2/1 sw ld + 10 tr + 10 2 hd sw x 1 set (1 min/done!)
70 swing reps 2.5 min
total workout w/bonus sets
310 swing reps, 14.5 minutes
Clean   16kg    3:00r/3:00l  for 6:00
squat   12kg    1:00r/1:00l for 2:00 w/1:00off x2

kte's    2 sets of 5
** swing workout was fun! I never did hand to hand swings with the 20kg - happily surprised I could! :)
** not a fan of squats, was going to stop at one round, but added another because I know I should do them....