16kg swings
10 2 hd sw x 5, 15 sec work/rest = 2.5 min (50 swings)
1st rotation 16kg
10 tr x 1, 15 sec work/rest (10 sw)
1 sw, 1 tr x 10, 30 sec work/15 sec rest (20 sw)
2 sw, 1 tr x 10, 45 sec work/15 sec rest (30 sw)
3 sw, 1 tr x 10, 1 min work/15 sec rest (40 sw)
4 sw, 1 tr x 10, 1.25 min work/15 sec rest (50 sw)
5 sw, 1 tr x 10, 1.5 min work/30 sec rest (60 sw)
6 sw, 1 tr x 10, 1.75 min work/30 sec rest (70 sw)
7 sw, 1 tr x 10, 2 min work/30 sec rest (80 sw)
total 16.25 minutes, 410 swings
1AJerk ladder
12/12; 11/11; 10/10; 9/9; 8/8; 7/7; 6/6; 5/5; 4/4; 3/3; 2/2; 1/1
23 minutes nonstop
156 jerks
KTE’s 2 sets of 5
** each set starts at the top of the minute - so for the 12 - I paced myself 12 jerks in 1 min. switching hands at the top of the min, to do 12 jerks in 1 min on the left side.... I continued to pace and switch hands at the top of the min.
** each set starts at the top of the minute - so for the 12 - I paced myself 12 jerks in 1 min. switching hands at the top of the min, to do 12 jerks in 1 min on the left side.... I continued to pace and switch hands at the top of the min.
** I rested with the kb overhead instead of the rack position to make it more challenging. By the 2/2 I was holding the kb overhead for :25 seconds, for the 1/1 I held the kb overhead for :25 then switched arms at the half min. mark to finish the workout in 23 minutes.