- 20kg
- 3L/3R
- Drop Set Swings
- 4 rounds
- :30 rest between rounds
- * 24kg 15/15
- * 16kg 25/25
- * 12kg 35/35
Cash out:
- Tracy's Roundabout swings
- 24kg
- pyramid to 4 and then back down:
- started at the top of the minute
- 1 2h sw/ 1sw L/1 2h sw/ 1sw R X3
- 1 2h sw/ 2sw L/ 1 2h sw/ 2 sw R X3
- 1 2h sw/ 3sw L/ 1 2h sw/ 3 sw R X2
- 1 2h sw/ 4sw L/ 1 2h sw/ 4sw R X2
- then worked my way back down
** good workout today.
** I think Tracy has ruined me for all other swings - her swing routines are so much fun, I only want to do them!! =)
** The roundabouts were fun and went fast!