Wednesday, February 23, 2011

TracyRif's 100 workout

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  • TGU 
  • 20kg
  • 4L/4R

Tracys blog post of this workout 

10/10 x 5 5 min. (100 snatches)
30 sec rest
100 swings 2.5 min.
30 sec rest
10/10 x 4 4 min (80 snatches)
30 sec rest
100 swings 2.5 min.
30 sec rest
10/10 x 3 3 min (60 snatches)
30 sec rest
100 swings 2.5 min.
30 sec rest
10/10 x 2 2 min. (40 snatches)
30 sec rest
100 swings 2.5 min.
30 sec rest
10/10 x 1 1 min (20 snatches)
30 sec rest
100 swings 2.5 min.
30 sec rest

Swings as follows:
I started with #5 and worked my way up to #1-
20 2 hand sw
20 tr
10 sw/tr (2 reps per sw/tr= 20 reps)
20 tr
20 2 hd sw
20 tr
10 sw/tr
5/5 x 2
1- sw/tr
20 tr
10 sw/tr
5/5 x 2
5/5 x 2
10 sw/tr
5/5 x2
20 2 hd sw
5/5 x2
20 2 hd sw
20 tr
20 2 hd sw

** this is the first time I have completed this workout!! =)
** when I started with the 10/10X5 it went so well, I considered just doing the SSST today - knowing I could/would do over 200 snatches in 10 min., but then figured I want to do this workout, so just stick to it!!
** had to slow down my pace to do 10 left/10 right -

500 swings/300 snatches - 30 minutes