3 chin ups
200 swing reps w/progressive rest ladder Here
40 2 hd sw, 15 sec rest
40 2 hd sw, 30 sec rest
40 2 hd sw, 45 sec rest
40 2 hd sw, 1 min rest
40 2 hd sw
200 swings 7.5 min
workout: Tracy with an unexpected twist... Here....
40 sets of 5 reps w/24kg
200 swings
** too early in the morning for me, I set my gymboss for 20 rounds - realized to late that was 40 sets!
** I was going to do this workout in a drop set way, starting with the 24kg, going to the 20kg, etc.....
dbl jerk 2-14kg 3:00on/1:00off x2!! (6rpm)
KTE’s 5reps x2
Yoga: sun salutations
** today was a mish mosh kind of day, no idea what I wanted to do besides the double jerks...
total swings today: 400
swing challenge: 7916/10,000