- 100 swings (total 1000 so far)
- H Snatch (14kg) 5:00 w/:30 off
- 1A LCCJ (20kg) 5:00 w/:30 off
- H Snatch (14kg) 5:00 w/:30 off
- H Snatch (14kg) 5:00 w/:30 off
- JERK** (20kg) 5:00 w/:30 off
- H Snatch (14kg) 5:00 w/:30 off
** Changed workout -> thought I could go 5:00 with the 20kg if I just jerked it, not LCCJ, so I tried it.....and I did =)
** the H Snatch afterwards though, were considerably slower than the previous H Snatches.....;)...really took it slow and steady.