Monday, April 30, 2012

Swing, Snatch

2 chinups
Snatch  12kg:
pacing  5sn in :15 - 

50r/50l x1   (100)
3 min rest
40r/40l x1   (80)
3 min rest
30r/30l x1   (60)   
2 min rest
20r/20l x1    (40)
2 min rest
10r/10l x1    (20)
KTE’s    3 sets of 5

Friday, April 27, 2012

Swings, Grind:Snatch/TGU

2 chinups

BCBE - 16kg
2nd rotation (every rest period is only 15 sec)
10 2 hd swing (15/15),
51/2 sw ld (15/15)
10 R one hd sw (15/15)
10 L one hd sw (15/15)
2/1 sw ld (15/15)
10 2 hd sw (15/15)
10 2 hd swing + 1/2 sw ld (30/15)
10 R one hd sw (15/15)
10 L one hd sw (15/15)
1/2 sw ld sw + 10 2 hd sw (30/15)
10 2 hd swing + 1/2 sw ld + 10 R one hd sw (45/15)
10 L one hd sw + 1/2 sw ld + 10 2 hd sw (45/15)
10 2 hd swing + 1/2 sw ld + 10 R one hd sw + 10 L one hd sw + 1/2 sw ld + 10 2 hd sw (1 min 30 sec)
9 min, 240 swings
Snatch/TGU Grind    16kg  
snatch ladder as follows:
1 snatch r/1 TGU r/1 snatch l/ 1 TGU L
2 snatch r/1 TGU r/2 snatch l/ 1 TGU L
3 snatch r/1 TGU r/3 snatch l/ 1 TGU L
4 snatch r/1 TGU r/4 snatch l/ 1 TGU L
5 snatch r/1 TGU r/5 snatch l/ 1 TGU L
total snatches:  30
Snatch Challenge FINAL total:  5,010  :)

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

swing, snatch, jerk

2 chin ups
14kg - pacing 4sn in :15 seconds:
8r/8l x5 = 80 snatches (1 min work/1 min rest)
one arm swing/snatch practice
10/10 (1 set R, 1 set L)
9 1hd sw/1 sn x2 (1 set R, 1 set L)
8 1 hd sw/2 sn x 2 
7 1hd sw/3 sn x 2
6/4 x 2
5/5 x 2
4/6 x 2
3/7 x 2
2/8 x 2
1/9 x 2
total snatches: 110
1A Jerk    14kg  10 min nonstop  12rpm throughout
broken down as: 2:00r/2:00l/2:00r/2:00l/1:00r/1:00l
total snatches today: 190
Snatch Challenge total:  4980

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Swing, clean, squat and snatches

2 pullups
One hand swing practice workout   #2  (5/5) 10 sets  20kg 
clean     20kg    5:00 w/:30 off
squat    12kg    5:00 w/ :30 off
One hand swing practice workout #2 (5/5) 10 sets 20kg
clean     20kg    5:00 w/ :30 off
snatch    12kg    50r/50l  one hand switch :)

total snatches today: 100
snatch challenge total:  4,790

** clean broke down by 1:00r/1:00l/1:00r/1:00l/:30r/:30l
** I do NOT like the squat, and didn’t want to do it again
** the snatch was a pr for me!! 

Monday, April 23, 2012


2 chinups
5x2 ab wheel
5sw r/5sn r; 5sw l/5sn l x2 (20 sn)
5r/5l x2 (20sn)
10r/10l x2 (20sn)
2r/2l x10 (20sn)
snatch pacing
25/25 x 2 x 1 = 100
2 min rest
10/10 x 5 x 1 = 100 reps
3 min rest
5/5 x 10 x 1 = 100 reps
4 min rest
40r/40l/10r/10lx 1 = 100 reps 
400 snatch reps and a whole lotta transfer swings!

** all about the snatch pacing today - all snatches were done at a 5 sn in :15 pace
total snatches today:  480
snatch challenge total:  4,690

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Swings, Snatches

normal weight bell  (16kg)
10 2 hd sw
9/1 x 2 (1 set R, 1 set L)
8/2 x 2 
7/3 x 2
6/4 x 2
5/5 x 2
4/6 x 2
3/7 x 2
2/8 x 2
1/9 x 2
10/10 one hand swings
210 swings 10 min
challenging weight bell:
1x through with the 18kg
2nd time through with the 20kg:
5 2 hd sw + 5 one hd sw  x 2 x 5 ( 10 sets total 5/5 R, 5/5 L)
100 swings, 5 min
total 200 swings, 10 min
Heaviset bell, last rotation :
10 2 hd sw
9/1 x 2
8/2 x 2
7/3 x 2
6/4 x 2
5/5 x 2
110 swings 5.5 min
Having so much fun, I decided to do this with snatches, so I did the first rotation, same principle, but with a twist:
all swings were 1 handed except the first set of 10 2hd sw -
Since I was using the 12kg, I condensed my rests: gymboss set at :15 intervals, rested until the next beep - worked out to :15-:10 rests until 1sw/9sn, then less than 
:10 ... I rested :15 seconds between 10sn r and 10 sn l - 
total time was 10 min, 45 seconds
10 2 hd sw
9 1hd sw/1 sn x2 (1 set R, 1 set L)
8 1 hd sw/2 sn x 2 
7 1hd sw/3 sn x 2
6/4 x 2
5/5 x 2
4/6 x 2
3/7 x 2
2/8 x 2
1/9 x 2
total snatches: 110
Snatch challenge total: 4210
RKC plank:   :15on/ :15off
** Wow, was this FUN!! A definite do again. I had no plans to snatch today, but I really enjoyed this!  

Friday, April 20, 2012

330 snatches

3 chinups
3 rest 3
6 rest 6
7.5 min,  60 snatches
4 rest 4 (1 min)
4/4 (1 min)
8 rest 8 (2 min)
8/8 no rest (1.5 min)
12/12 (2 min)
7.5 min, 72 snatches
5 rest 5 (15/15 x 2)
5/5   (30/15)
10 rest 10  (30/15 x2)
10/10  (1.25)
15/15 (45/15 x 2)
90 snatches
6 rest 6 
12 rest 12 
12/12 no rest 
108 snatches
total snatches today:  330
Snatch Challenge total:  4,100
** used 16kg for 1st 2 rounds - did H snatch to save my hands
** sadly, I am to slow with the H snatch to do more than 4 in :15 so had to switch weights ;)
** used 12kg for last 2 rounds - so only took :15 rests

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Swings, Jerk, Clean & Squat

2 chin ups
all rests :15 seconds
5/5 x 4 (work for 15 sec, rest for 15 sec)
10/10x 1 , 30/15 work/rest
15/15x 1 , 45/15 work/rest
20/20x 1 ,  1 min work/15 rest
5/5 x 3 (work for 15 sec, rest for 15 sec) 
10/10x 1 , 30/15 work/rest
15/15x 1 , 45/15 work/rest
5/5 x 2 (work for 15 sec, rest for 15 sec)
 10/10x 1 , 30/15 work/rest
5/5 x 1
10 min., 260 swings
Jerk  16kg  2:00r/2:00l for 8:00 
Clean & Squat  12kg  :30/:30 for 4:00

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

HV Snatches, Clean

2 pull ups
All 4 sets are 1 minute in duration
1 swing, 1 snatch, 1 transfer (12 snatch/ 24 swings)
1 snatch, 1 transfer (I call these "snatch transfers". 16 snatch/ 16 swings)
10/10 snatch R/L
25 snatch R/L (I divided them 12/13, or visa versa as the workout progresses)
Using these 4, one minute snatch/swing combinations only the rest period changes
First rotation 1 min work, 1 min rest (warm-up!). 8 minutes
1 min rest
Second rotation 1 min work, 30 sec rest, 6 minutes
1 min rest
Third rotation, no rest between the 1st and 2nd set, 30 sec before continuing with sets 3, and 4. 5 minutes
1 min rest
Fourth rotation, no rest between 1st, 2nd and 3rd set, 30 sec before continuing with the last and 4th set, 4. 5 minutes
1 minute rest
Fifth rotation, no rest, all four sets done consecutive, 4 minutes
Total workout time 31.5 minutes
490 snatches
220 swings
Clean  16kg   2:00r/2:00l/1:00r/1:00l for 6:00 (10-11rpm)
** 14kg for first 3 rotations, then switched to the 12kg to finish up.  Always wanted to try this with the 14kg. 
Snatch Challenge total:  3770

Monday, April 16, 2012

"100" snatch workout

2 chinups
5sn r/:15 rest; 5sn l/:15 rest x2  (20)
6sn r/:15 rest; 6sn l/:15 rest x2  (24)
10 sn      5/5   :30 work/:30 rest
20 sn     10/10  1 min work/:30 rest
30 sn     15/15   1.5 min work/:30 rest
40 sn     20/20   2 min work/:30 rest
:30 rest
repeat 3 more times
400 snatches 
Farmers Walk
20kg l/18kg r
:45 work/:45 rest x2
total snatches today:  444
snatch challenge total: 3280

Friday, April 13, 2012

600 snatches

3 chin ups
RKC planks  :10on/:10off x3
rotation #1 as warmup:
10 snatch R, 
10 snatch L, (Rest :30)
10 snatch R,
10 snatch L, (Rest :30)
10 snatch R,
10 snatch L, (Rest :30)
1 min. rest
10kg for the following rotations:
rotation #2
10 snatch L, 15 sn R
10 snatch L, 14 sn R
10 snatch L, 13 sn R
10 snatch L, 12 sn R
10 snatch L, 11 sn R
10 snatch L, 10 sn R 
1 min rest
rotation #1
10 snatch R, 15 sn L
10 snatch R, 14 sn L
10 snatch R, 13 sn L
10 snatch R, 12 sn L
10 snatch R, 11 sn L
10 snatch R, 10 sn L
1 min rest
rotation #2
10 snatch L, 15 sn R
10 snatch L, 14 sn R
10 snatch L, 13 sn R
10 snatch L, 12 sn R
10 snatch L, 11 sn R
10 snatch L, 10 sn R 
2 min rest
rotation #1
10 snatch R, 15 sn L
10 snatch R, 14 sn L
10 snatch R, 13 sn L
10 snatch R, 12 sn L
10 snatch R, 11 sn L
10 snatch R, 10 sn L
1 min rest
135 snatches per rotation
Total snatch reps 600
Snatch Challenge total: 2836
** got out of my ego and used the 10kg - still challenging.
** hit all times as Rx’d
** I’ve wanted to do this for a long time, glad I thought to use the right tool for the job!! :)

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Snatches, Clean, Farmers walk

2 chinups
3sets of 5 ab wheel rollouts
14kg:  4 sn tr x5 (:15work/:15 rest) 20 snatches
with a twist:
both versions with 14kg
1st version:
4 sn tr, 15 sec. work
8 sn tr, 30 sec. work
12 sn tr, 45 sec. work
16 sn tr, 1 min sec. work
12 s tr, 45 sec. work
8 sn tr, 30 sec. work
4 sn tr, 15 sec. work
 64 snatches, 64 swings each rotation
** first time through I used this as a warm up and did equal work to equal rest....then I laddered the rests:
2nd rotation I took :30 rests between sets
3rd rotation I took :15 rests between sets
total snatches: 192
2nd version:
4 sn tr x 2 sets (15/15 x 2 = 1 min)
8 sn tr x 2 sets (30/30 x 2 = 2 min)
12 sn tr x 2 sets (45/45 x 2 = 3 min)
16 sn tr x 2 sets (1 min./1 min. x2= 4 min)
total snatches this rotation: 80
Clean  16kg   2:00r/2:00l for 4:00 (11-12 rpm)
cash out:
Farmers walk:
20kg left hand/18kg right hand
1:00 walking around basement/:30 off x1
:30 walking/:30 off  x2
** trying to strengthen my grip for my left hand
total snatches this workout and warmup: 292
Snatch challenge total: 2236
** just wanted to have a fun easy fun workout today.....and it was! :)

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Swings, dbl squat, dbl clean

2 pullups
12kg:  10sn in :30/:30rest x5  (50snatches)
all rests 15 seconds
10 2 hd swing x 2 sets (15/15 x 2 = 1 min)
10 tr x 2 sets (15/15 x 2 = 1 min)
1/1 + 2/2 x 2 sets (15/15 x 2 = 1 min)
5/5 x 2 sets (15/15 x 2 = 1 min)
total 80 swings, 4 min.
20 2 hd sw x 1 (30/15 = 45)
20 tr x 1 (30/15 = 45)
1/1 + 2/2 x 2 (30/15 = 45)
5/5 x 2 (30/15 = 45)
total 80 swings, 3 min
10 2 hd sw, 10 tr x 1 (30/15 = 45)
10 tr, 1/1 + 2/2 x 1 (30/15 = 45)
1/1 + 2/2, 5/5 x 1 (30/15 = 45)
5/5, 10 2 hd sw x 1 (30/15 = 45)
total 80 swings, 3 min
10 2 hd sw, 10 tr, 1/ + 2/2, 5/5 x 4 (1 min. work, :15 seconds rest x 4 =  min.)
total 160 swings, 5 min.
400 swings,  15 min.

dbl squat   2- 8kg   :30on/:30off x5

dbl clean   2-12kg   :30on/:30off x5
snatches today: 50 
Snatch challenge total: 1944
just having fun today :)

Monday, April 9, 2012

630 snatches

2 chin ups
14kg rotation 1; 12kg rotations 2-4
each set is one minute work/rest - use as warm up...
1 swing, 1 snatch, 1 transfer (12 snatch/ 24 swings)
1 snatch, 1 transfer (16 snatch/ 32 swings)
10/10 snatch R/L
25 snatch R/L (I divided them 12/13, or visa versa as the workout progresses)
8 minutes total. 72 snatches, 38 swings
each set now increases to two minutes, same combinations, but with only 1 minute rest
1 swing, 1 snatch, 1 transfer (24 snatch/48 swings)
1 snatch, 1 transfer (32 snatch/ 32 swings)
10/10 x 2 snatch R/L= 40 snatch reps
25 x 2 snatch R/L = 50 snatch reps
12 minutes total 144 snatches, 76 swings

each set now increases to three minutes, same combinations, again with only 1 minute rest,
1 swing, 1 snatch, 1 transfer (36 snatch/72 swings)
1 snatch, 1 transfer (48 snatch/ 48 swings)
10/10 x 3 snatch R/L= 60 snatch reps
25 x 3 snatch R/L = 75 snatch reps
16 minutes total 219 snatches, 120 swings
each set now increases to four minutes, same combinations, again, only 1 minute rest
1 swing, 1 snatch, 1 transfer (48 snatch/96 swings)
1 snatch, 1 transfer (64 snatch/64 swings)
10/10 x 4 snatch R/L= 80 snatch reps
** I was fried at this point and could not finish the last set!! :( :(
mentally didn't know if I could do it, so I stopped....

total 192 snatches, 156 swings
total snatches today: 630
Snatch challenge total:  1,894
** VERY bummed I could not complete the workout, thought about waiting 5-10 min. and then going, but did not have the time this morning.
** this is the first time I’ve done this workout this way, and it is HARD!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

5/5 swings and snatches

2 pullups
14kg: 12 snatches (to even out numbers)
5/5 Swing Worksets - 16kg
all rests :15
5/5 x 4 (work for 15 sec, rest for 15 sec)
5/5, 5/5 x 1 
5/5, 5/5, 5/5 x 1 
5/5, 5/5, 5/5, 5/5 x 1 
5/5 x 3 (work for 15 sec, rest for 15 sec) 
5/5, 5/5 x 1 
5/5, 5/5, 5/5 x 1
5/5 x 2 (work for 15 sec, rest for 15 sec)
5/5, 5/5 x 1 
5/5 x 1
10 min., 260 swings
5/5 Snatch Worksets- 14kg
for the longer sets (40, 30, 20 reps) - did one hand switch
5/5 x 4 sets (30 sec work/30 sec rest)
5/5 x 4 (40 reps, 2 min continuous set, 1 min rest)
5/5 x 3 sets (30 sec work/30 sec rest)
5/5 x 3 (30 reps, 1.5 min work/1 min rest)
5/5 x 2 sets (30/30)
5/5 x 2 (20 reps, 1 min work/1 min rest)
5/5 x 1 (30/30)
190 snatches
total snatches today: 202
snatch challenge total: 1,260