Thursday, April 12, 2012

Snatches, Clean, Farmers walk

2 chinups
3sets of 5 ab wheel rollouts
14kg:  4 sn tr x5 (:15work/:15 rest) 20 snatches
with a twist:
both versions with 14kg
1st version:
4 sn tr, 15 sec. work
8 sn tr, 30 sec. work
12 sn tr, 45 sec. work
16 sn tr, 1 min sec. work
12 s tr, 45 sec. work
8 sn tr, 30 sec. work
4 sn tr, 15 sec. work
 64 snatches, 64 swings each rotation
** first time through I used this as a warm up and did equal work to equal rest....then I laddered the rests:
2nd rotation I took :30 rests between sets
3rd rotation I took :15 rests between sets
total snatches: 192
2nd version:
4 sn tr x 2 sets (15/15 x 2 = 1 min)
8 sn tr x 2 sets (30/30 x 2 = 2 min)
12 sn tr x 2 sets (45/45 x 2 = 3 min)
16 sn tr x 2 sets (1 min./1 min. x2= 4 min)
total snatches this rotation: 80
Clean  16kg   2:00r/2:00l for 4:00 (11-12 rpm)
cash out:
Farmers walk:
20kg left hand/18kg right hand
1:00 walking around basement/:30 off x1
:30 walking/:30 off  x2
** trying to strengthen my grip for my left hand
total snatches this workout and warmup: 292
Snatch challenge total: 2236
** just wanted to have a fun easy fun workout today.....and it was! :)