Saturday, March 19, 2011

330 snatches in 21 minutes

Tracy's 600 snatches in 35 minutes

Buy in:
12 kg
 10 snatch R - :30 seconds rest
10 snatch L - :30 seconds rest
10 snatch R -:30 seconds  rest
10 snatch L - :30 seconds rest
10 snatch R - :30 seconds rest
10 snatch L - :30 seconds rest
1 min. rest


rotation #1

10 snatch L, 15 sn R
10 snatch L, 14 sn R
10 snatch L, 13 sn R
10 snatch L, 12 sn R
10 snatch L, 11 sn R
10 snatch L, 10 sn R
2 min rest

rotation #2

10 snatch R, 15 sn L
10 snatch R, 14 sn L
10 snatch R, 13 sn L
10 snatch R, 12 sn L
10 snatch R, 11 sn L
10 snatch R, 10 sn L

1 min rest

** rotation 1 done as written, rotation 2 rested after the 15 sn L for :30 seconds, rested :30 seconds again after 13 snatches L, then finished the rotation.
** took a 2 minute rest after rotation 1 (not the 1 min. rest as Rx'd by Tracy!)
** used the 12kg, maybe should have used the 8kg  from the beginning to do the whole rotation.
** this was one TOUGH workout!!
** form looked good
** I was able to do the required # of snatches in the :30 seconds!! Hooray!...doing 10 in :30 seconds, I really had to pace myself....I think my norm is about 13 in :30 seconds
** 15 sn. in :30 seconds was tough, 14sn were do-able though