- 24kg
- 1L/1R
- 2 min. rest
- 1L/1R
- 16kg
- H Snatch 5:00 w/:30 rest (8 RPM)
- 1A LCCJ 5:00 w/1:00 rest (7-8 RPM)
- H Snatch 5:00 w/:30 rest (7 RPM)
- 1A LCCJ 5:00 w/:30 rest
** for the H Snatch I switched arms on the minute for the first round - I was shooting for 8 RPM so I am really happy!!
** I was shooting for 8 RPM with the LCCJ also, but that wears me out like nobody's business! ;) So I am good with the 7-8 reps this week. - gives me something to work for.
** my goal of 8 RPM is for the first sets only, not on the second right now