Saturday, April 16, 2011

300 Swing combination workout - Saturday

from Tracy's blog 4.10.11

 starting out with the 16kg with 1 minutes rest periods in the first rotation. The second rotation w/14kg and 30 second rest periods. The last rotation w/12kg was no rest...nonstop for 7.5 minutes! 

Warmup w/12kg (equal work/rest)

10 2 hd swings x 2 sets
10 tr x 2 sets
1 sw, 1 tr x 20 reps (10 sw/tr)
5/5 x 2 (20 reps)
10/10 x 1 (20 reps)

5 min. 100 swings

16kg, 14kg, 12kg

40-50-60-70-80 = 300

40 reps = 1.0 min (2 hd swings)
50 reps = 1.25 min (transfers)
60 reps = 1.5 min (1 sw, 1 tr x 30)
70 reps = 1.75 min (5/5 x 7)
80 = 2.0 min (10/10 x 4)

#1 rotation 12.5 min
#2 rotation 10 min.
#3 rotation 7.5 minutes

Total workout 35 min. 1000 swings

Cash out:
some power snatches (from Rif's blog)
** these were HARD!

running monthly total swings: 6552