- 24kg
- 3L/3R
- 1 min. rest
- 1L/1R
- Swing/Jerk Combo 16kg 22 min. NONSTOP
Swings :30/:30 for 5 min
Jerks :30/:30 for 1 min, then switch arms at top of the min for 5 min. @ 11RPM
Swings :30/:30 for 5 min
Jerks switch arms at top of the min for 4 min. @ 11RPM
Swings :30/:30 for 2 min.
** fun workout today!
** Jerks at 11RPM with one arm is a pr today! =)
** 4L/4R TGU with the 24kg is a pr today! =)
total swings today: 456
running monthly total swings: 3848