Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Swings, Goblet Squat

2 chinups
5/5 Swing Worksets  x2   
both times thru with the 20kg
rests as noted
1st time thru:
5/5 x 4 (work for 15 sec, rest for 15 sec)
10/10, 30/30 work/rest
15/15, 45/30 work/rest
20/20, 1 min/30 work/rest
5/5 x 3 (work for 15 sec, rest for 15 sec) 
 10/10, 30/15 work/rest
15/15, 45/15 work/rest
5/5 x 2 (work for 15 sec, rest for 15 sec)
10/10, 30/15 work/rest
5/5 x 1
2nd time thru- rests as Rx'd:
5/5 x 4 (work for 15 sec, rest for 15 sec)
10/10, 30/30 work/rest
15/15, 45/45 work/rest
20/20, 1 min/1 min work/rest
5/5 x 3 (work for 15 sec, rest for 15 sec) 
10/10, 30/30 work/rest
15/15, 45/45 work/rest
5/5 x 2 (work for 15 sec, rest for 15 sec)
10/10, 30/30 work/rest
5/5 x 1

520 swings total
Goblet Squat  14kg  3x3