Friday, October 15, 2010

Timed Sets

Buy in:
  • Russian Pullup Program
  • day 12 (last day of the 3RM program)
  • 5,4,3,2,1 - held the last one at the top for 7 seconds

  • 1/2 Snatch (14kg)
  • switching every 5 reps
  • NONSTOP for:
  • 6:00 w/ 1:00 off
  • 6:00 w/ 1:00 off
  • 3:00 w/ :30 off
  • 3:00 w/ :30 off
* didn't count RPMs
from the above, right into:
  • Snatch (12kg)
  • 3:00 w/ :30 off
* 15 RPM

Russian Pullup Program:
* since I had trouble with the 5 pullups this morning, I am just going to start back with the 3RM program on Monday. my goal is only to continue with pullups and keep up the skill, so I am okay with redoing the 3Rm program. when i feel comfortable with day 12, i am going to try the 3rm program with the 10# vest.
* in the above post, italicized rounds were tweaked to add more time to the training.
* last few 1/2 snatches form was going, so I switched to the 12kg. since it was SO light and easy, I switched to the full snatch. FUN.