- 5X3 Pullups
- Wendler Jump rope - thanks Gayle ;)
- * 100 single jump
- * 50 right leg
- * 50 left leg
- * 100 alternating
- * 50 high knee
- * 100 single jump
- 4 rounds:
- 24kg 15/15
- 16kg 25/25
- 12kg 35/35
* rested 1 minute after 3rd round
* last round - split the 24kg 15/15 swings into sets of 5l/5r 3X to make 15 - forearms were on fire!!
* its been a long time since I swung Bertha!! (the 24kg!)
* I had more time, thought about swinging the 20kg instead of the 24, for a set, but really,.... I was done!!
* 600 swings