- 4X3 pullups
- 3 rounds: - :30 on/:30 off Jump rope
- Push Press (16kg) 5:00 w/ :30 off
- Clean (14kg) 5:00 w/ :30 off
- Squat (14kg) 5:00 w/ :30 off
- Push Press (16kg) 5:00 w/ :30 off
- Clean (16kg) 5:00 w/ :30 off
- Squat (14kg) 5:00 w/ :30 off
*Hard day today! - I was a puddle of sweat at the end!!
* on all exercises, I switched after every 5 reps.
*Push presses went well
*Cleans were too easy with the 14kg (20RPM) so upped to the 16kg
*Squats good with the 14kg - 2nd round of squats were hard. Had to keep telling myself how much time was left and "worked the time". all squats were racked
* I was really happy with my form on all the exercises.
* next week, maybe no pullups in the warm up......?