Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Drop Set Swings

Buy in:
  • Pullups: 3X3
  • TGU: 12kg - 3L/3R

  • 5 rounds:
  • 24kg 15/15
  • 16kg  25/25
  • 12kg  35/35
* 750 swings
* :30 rest between rounds 1-3
* 1:00 rest after rounds 4&5

  • 1 round
  • 24kg  10/10
  • 16kg  30/30
  • 12kg  40/40
* 160 swings
**couldn't go another round of 15/15 with the 24, so dropped to 10/10, but then couldn't figure out the numbers in my head at that point to = 150. I was thinking I dropped 10 reps so add 10, but I should have only added on to the 16 OR the 12 not both! LOL

** total - 910 swings today! (in about 30ish minutes, but not sure of the exact time - wasn't paying attention!)
** forearms were ON FIRE!!