buy in:
- 5X5 c&p ladders with pullups (14kg)
cash out:
- Swings (16kg)
- 7 minutes
- 30 seconds on/ 30 seconds off
- alternating arms every round -
- last round DARCY swings
*rests after ladders as follows:
- rested 3 minutes after ladders 1&2
- rested 3.5 minutes after ladder 3
- rested 4 minutes after ladder 4
* rests after rungs as follows:
- rested 1 minute after 4th rung in 4th ladder
- rested 1.5 minutes after 4th rung in 5th ladder
* good workout today, but its the 3rd day in a row I've worked my lats and posterior chain, and I am feeling it!!
Are all farmers that puffy?
from crossfit 603
buy in:
603 WOD:
- 5 rounds for time
- 25 pushups
- 25 overhead walking lunges (men 65#/ women 45#)
cash out:
- farmers walk, 50 steps, using ONE 45#dumbbell (subbed my 45# kb)
- switch hands as often as you need to
* I used a 45#barbell for the walking lunges, but scaled down to 10
* wasn't sure if I should have lowered the weight and done the 25 lunges, or did what I did and kept the weight and lowered the amount of lunges.......
* last round I used a 30# barbell - which was too light! ugh!
*definitely a puke-worthy workout
* wanted to do this outside, it was overcast and poured last night, so ended up doing it in my basement - could only do 5 lunges across, then turn - made it harder. Next time will do this outside
* took a 45 seconds rest after round 4
5 rounds: TIME : 13.34 minutes
buy in:
- 2 rounds
- 8kg
- 10 halos
- 10 goblet squats
- 5X4 clean and press with pullups (14kg)
- one clean, multiple presses
- 3 minutes rest between each ladder
cash out:
- Snatches (12kg)
- 9 minutes
- at the top of the minute:
- 10l/10r for 6 rounds
- 5l/5r for last 3 rounds
- total: 150 snatches
* definitely light day
* moved through these nice and easy =)
* the 14kg felt so light compared to Saturdays workout
* wasn't sure what I was going to do....16kg, 14kg or 12kg
* wanted to see how many I could do in 9 minutes with rests with the 12kg
* took 10-12 seconds rest for the first 6 minutes, 30 seconds rest last 3 minutes
* pretty sure I could pass the SSST with the 12kg at this point! =)
buy in:
- 2 rounds
- 8 kg
- 10 halos
- 10 goblet squats
- 3X3 c&p with pullups (16kg)
cash out:
- Swings (20kg)
- 4 minutes
- 30 seconds on/ 30 seconds off
- alternate arms each round
- 72 swings
waited 1 minute and ...
- knocked out 28 more swings
- total swings: 100
* HARD!!! with the 16kg
* struggled with the 3rd rung every ladder
* 3rd ladder was the best
* rested 3 minutes between ladders
* rested 1 minute between 2nd and 3rd rung
* will stick with the 3X3 for next week
* nice challenge
OHS and sprints
from the Daily Fitness Solution Blog
buy in:
- 2 rounds
- 20 pushups
- 10 kte's
OHS and sprints
* subbed jumprope for the sprints
- AMRAP in 20 minutes
- 15 OHS with pvc
- 30 seconds jumprope
- walk back to start and recover as necessary
- total rounds: 10
cash out:
- overhead walk
- 55# barbell
- 60M X 3
* good met con
* took it nice and easy, worked on OHS form rather than rushing through for more rounds
* took 30 seconds rest last 2 rounds, otherwise rested less than 25 seconds between rounds
* for the cash out, took it outside to the back yard - worst part was lugging the loaded barbell up the steps and out the door!!
* next time will load the bb to 60#
buy in:
- 2 rounds
- 8kg
- 10 halos
- 20 swings
- 5X5 c&p with pullups (14kg)
cash out:
- Swings (16kg)
- 8 minutes
- 30 on/30 off
- 18 swings each 30 seconds on
* liked doing the 5X5! =)
* I felt my form was better - easier to do 5 rungs than 7...
* rested 3 minutes between ladders 1-3
* rested 4 minutes between ladders 4 &5
* rested 15 seconds - 1 minute as needed between rungs 4 and 5
* total c&p workout took 50 minutes - same as 5X3,5,7
* felt good, concentrated on form
CONDITIONING: Jumping Jacks and Burpees
from the Daily Fitness Blog
buy in:
- watch Jordans new kb clean corrections on his blog
- Jump rope and Burpees
- 30/30 work intervals (30 seconds work/ 30 seconds rest- repeat for time alloted)
- 10 minutes - 30/30 jumprope or jumping jacks
- 10 minutes - 30/30 burpees
cash out:
* chose to jump rope instead of jumping jacks
* used the white manila jump rope (2#)
* rope:
- first 5 rounds regular jumps, last 5 rounds high knees!
* burpees:
- push up burpees
- first 2 rounds 7, then held steady with 8 each round
- total: 78 burpees!
* great workout, definite do again!
* looking good!!
* up 10# from last time
changing things up starting this week
changing the light/moderate/heavy work
mixing in the 16kg for the heavy day see NOTES
buy in:
- 5X4 c&p with pullups (14kg)
- 3 minute rest between each ladder
cash out:
- Snatches (16kg)
- 7 minutes
- 4l/4r at the top of the minute
* 5X4 - nice and easy!! so... this is now my light day
* these were tough
* mentally I was worried about my blister and getting one on my right hand!
* no reason for that really, just me being worried!;)
going forward---
changes in program in pink
till vacation (3 weeks)
monday - light day 5X4 (14kg)
tuesday - variety
wednesday - moderate 5X5 (14kg)
thursday - variety - VWC
saturday - heavy 3X3 (16kg)
thinking - going forward, I will switch my snatch day to Saturday
Heavy Day
buy in:
- 5X 3,5,7 c&p with pullups (14kg)
cash out:
- Swings (20kg)
- 2 minutes (rolled a 6)
- 30 seconds on/ 30 seconds off
since my blister was REALLY bothering me by now, I stopped doing swings and just did a
instead. - still got good conditioning in
* rested 3 minutes between all ladders except after the 4th ladder I rested 4 minutes
* rested 1 minute between rungs 5 and 7 in all but the first ladder
* left side was really HARD! my blister was totally open and exposed. I covered it with a bandaid and a glove, but it was still slow going and hard because I moved extra slow to be careful of the blister.
* right side was fine, nice and easy, which is why I kept going.....
* may possibly take a week and do other exercises to let my blister heal, but I really don't want to take time off till my vacation in 3 weeks, so we will see.
* went well with the right arm, not good with the left, so I stopped.
* good and tough! =)
VWC training
buy in:
- rotational dislocates
- dislocates
- OHS 3X5 20#bb
VWC training
- Snatches (12kg)
- 15 seconds on/ 15 seconds off
- 6r/ 6l
- 25 sets **
cash out:
- 1 minute elbow plank hold
- 1 minute straight arm plank hold
** 1 set =
- 15 seconds right 6 snatches
- 15 seconds rest
- 15 seconds left 6 snatches
- 15 seconds rest
* last week did 20 sets - so I increased this week by 5 sets
* tore a blister, knew I was holding the bell too tight!! argh!
* great workout though! last 4 sets were challenging
* set gymboss for 50 rounds
buy in:
- 5X4 c&p with pullups (14kg)
cash out:
- Swings (16kg)
- 7 minutes
- 30 seconds on/ 30 seconds off
- alternate 1 arm swings each round
- knocked out 4 more rounds +2 swings
- total swings: 200
* went really well!! I think I am ready to have 5X4 be my light day
* rested 2 minutes between ladders 1-3 (running late this morning)
* rested 3 minutes after 4th ladder
* easy and fun with the 16kg
* consistently swung 18 swings per 30 seconds
* wanted to do 200 swings today so I finished the Rx'd 7 minutes but continued for 4 more minutes to make 200
- white manila (2#)
- 30 seconds on/ 10 seconds off
- 20+ minutes --> 30 rounds on the gymboss
buy in:
- 5X3 c&p with pullup (14kg)
- one clean, multiple presses
cash out:
- Snatches (16kg)
- 8 minutes
- as follows:
- 3 sets of 5l/5r
- 1 minute rest
- 3 sets of 5l/5r
- 1 minute rest
- 2 sets 5l/ 5r
- 1 set 5l/3r
- total snatches: 88
* rested 2 min. between ladders
* went really well, easy!
* tough! didn't feel like knocking out the last 2 on the right.
buy in:
- jumprope
- 2 minutes straight
- white manila
- 5X3,5,7 c&p with pullups (14kg)
cash out:
- Swings (20kg)
- 9 minutes
- 30 seconds on/ 30 seconds off
- 4 rounds 2 handed
- 5 rounds 1 arm - switching when needed
* hard today
* rested 3 minutes between all ladders except - rested 4 minutes after the 4th ladder
* rested 1 minute between rungs 5 and 7 in ladders 2-5
* took 50 minutes
* used the 20kg since its a heavy day
* good - tough
* felt like I ran a marathon when I was done, I was really winded - in a good way
buy in:
VWC training
- Snatches (12kg)
- 15 seconds on/ 15 seconds off
- 6 reps right/ 6 reps left
- 20 sets**! =)
cash out:
- **1 set =
- 15 seconds right- 6 snatches
- rest 15 seconds
- 15 seconds left- 6 snatches
- rest 15 seconds
* GREAT workout!
* 6 snatches were 13 seconds for me
* very happy, hit my goal of 20 sets!!. I will increase each week.
* since VWC has men start with the 16kg, I started with the 12kg.
*looked good, started with 20#, will work my way back up
* this may be my Thursday variety day for a while. Will try to add in deadlifts....
buy in:
- 10 halos (12kg)
- 20 swings (16kg)
- 5X4 c&p with pullups (14kg)
cash out:
- Swings (16kg)
- 4 minutes
- tabata
- alternated hands each round
- 12 swings every round
* rested 3 minutes between ladders
buy in:
Jump rope/Swings (12kg) /Push ups
- 50 jump rope
- 50 swings
- 50 push ups
- 40 jump rope
- 40 swings
- 40 push ups
- 30 jump rope
- 30 swings
- 30 push ups
- 20 jump rope
- 20 swings
- 20 push ups
- 10 jump rope
- 10 swings
- 10 push ups
cash out:
all swings- 1 arm swings
time: 13 minutes
* note - next week start working on OHS instead of goblet squat
afternoon workout
buy in:
- none - late in the day, already warmed up
- 5X3 clean and press with pullups (14kg & 16kg)
cash out:
- Snatches (14kg)
- 6 minutes
- no rests
- 10l/10r
- 9l/9r
- 8l/8r
- etc. till
- 1l/1r
- still had time left so I knocked out:
- 2l/2r
- 1r
* first 3 ladders with the 14kg: 1 clean, multiple presses
* 4&5th ladders with the 16kg
* rested 2 minutes between ladders
* used the 14kg, because I wanted to do continuous snatches for fun! =)
* total snatches:120!! =)... that rocks!=)
buy in:
- rotational dislocates
- dislocates
- 2 rounds of:
- 10 halos (12kg)
- 10 squats
- 10 pushups
- 5X3,5,7 C&P with pullups (14kg)
cash out:
- Swings (16kg)
- 10 minutes
- 45 seconds on/ 15 seconds off
- alternated 1 arm swings by the minute
- 26 swings per minute
- finished cash out - waited 3 minutes
- knocked out 40 continuous 1 arm swings (16kg)
- TOTAL Swings: 300
* great workout! 7 c&p in a row is not easy!
* rested 3 minutes between ladders 1-3 and 4 minutes after ladder 4
* rested 1 minute after the 5 rungs in ladders 3-5
* c&p's took 48 minutes
* barely made it through...forearms are burning!
Snatch practice day
WOD - from dd forums
buy in:
- Snatches (16kg)
- 6 rounds
- 5l/5r
- 50 jumprope
- 30 seconds rest between rounds
cash out:
Leg work (14kg)
- 40 seconds on/ 20 seconds off
- 3 rounds:
- goblet squat...right into a
- left lunge back....right into a
- right lunge back
*Snatches went well, got into a groove by the 3rd round
*WOD took 10 minutes total
*cash out - used the 14kg since I haven't done lunges with the kb in over a year!! time use the 16kg.
buy in:
- dislocates
- rotational dislocates
- 10 halos (12kg)
- 10 squats
- 10 pushups
- 5X4 C&P with pullups (14kg)
cash out:
- Swings (20kg/16kg)
- 7 minutes
- 30 seconds on/ 30 seconds off
- as follows:
- 2 rounds 2 handed 20kg
- 4 rounds alternating hands on the minute 16kg
- 1 round DARCY swings 16kg
* only used the 14kg today. was pressed for time so I concentrated on form
* NOT a good workout - rushing to get through
* rested 2 minutes between each ladder, 3 minutes after the 4th ladder
* good
Death by Kettlebell Swing
( I'm not sure where I got this....maybe crossfit 603)
- Death by Kettlebell Swing (I used a 24kg kettlebell)
- at the top of each minute swing the kettlebell
- add a swing each minute
- 1 minute - 1 swing
- 2nd minute - 2 swings
- 3rd minute - 3 swings
- etc.
- until you can't do any more swings
- My TIME today: 15 minutes - 120 swings
cash out:
- 1 minute elbow plank
- 1 minute straight arm plank