- TGU (12kg)
- 3l/3r
- 5X4 c&p with pullups (14kg)
cash out:
- Swings (16kg)
- 7 minutes
- 30 seconds on/ 30 seconds off
- alternate 1 arm swings each round
- knocked out 4 more rounds +2 swings
- total swings: 200
* went really well!! I think I am ready to have 5X4 be my light day
* rested 2 minutes between ladders 1-3 (running late this morning)
* rested 3 minutes after 4th ladder
* easy and fun with the 16kg
* consistently swung 18 swings per 30 seconds
* wanted to do 200 swings today so I finished the Rx'd 7 minutes but continued for 4 more minutes to make 200