from crossfit 603
buy in:
603 WOD:
- 5 rounds for time
- 25 pushups
- 25 overhead walking lunges (men 65#/ women 45#)
cash out:
- farmers walk, 50 steps, using ONE 45#dumbbell (subbed my 45# kb)
- switch hands as often as you need to
* I used a 45#barbell for the walking lunges, but scaled down to 10
* wasn't sure if I should have lowered the weight and done the 25 lunges, or did what I did and kept the weight and lowered the amount of lunges.......
* last round I used a 30# barbell - which was too light! ugh!
*definitely a puke-worthy workout
* wanted to do this outside, it was overcast and poured last night, so ended up doing it in my basement - could only do 5 lunges across, then turn - made it harder. Next time will do this outside
* took a 45 seconds rest after round 4
5 rounds: TIME : 13.34 minutes