Saturday, June 19, 2010


Heavy Day

buy in:
  • TGU 
  • 12kg
  • 3l then 3r

  • 5X 3,5,7 c&p with pullups (14kg)

cash out:
  • Swings (20kg)
  • 2 minutes (rolled a 6)
  • 30 seconds on/ 30 seconds off
since my blister was REALLY bothering me by now, I stopped doing swings and just did a 
  • jumprope tabata 
instead. - still got good conditioning in

* rested 3 minutes between all ladders except after the 4th ladder I rested 4 minutes
* rested 1 minute between rungs 5 and 7 in all but the first ladder
* left side was really HARD! my blister was totally open and exposed. I covered it with a bandaid and a glove, but it was still slow going and hard because I moved extra slow to be careful of the blister.
* right side was fine, nice and easy, which is why I kept going.....
* may possibly take a week and do other exercises to let my blister heal, but I really don't want to take time off till my vacation in 3 weeks, so we will see.
* went well with the right arm, not good with the left, so I stopped.
*  good and tough! =)