Buy in:
- jump rope - white manila
- 2:30 straight - to Aerosmith - walk this way
- Push Press (16kg)
- 5 rounds
- 30/30 for 2:00 w/ 1:00 off
- 8 RPM
** thankful for the 1:00 rest!
- Swing (16kg/14kg)
- 4 rounds
- 30/30 for 3:00 w/ :30 off
- 2 rounds with the 16kg
- 2 rounds with the 14kg
- Squat (14kg)
- NONSTOP 5:00
- all racked squats
- 1 minute r: 8 RPM
- 1 minute l: 7 RPM
- 1 minute r: 6 RPM
- 1 minute l: 6 RPM
- :30r/:30l: 5 RPM
cash out:
- lay on floor in a puddle of sweat for 2 min
- drink lots of water!!
**HARD day, but Great!!
** could have stopped after the swings and it still would have been a great workout! the squats were icing on the cake!
**learning/still working on slowing it down and working the time. today was a great lesson in that =)
** looking forward to doing this again next week!