- 12kg
- 3l/3r
- Clean (14kg)
- Switching every 5 reps
- 5:00 w/ 1:00 off
- 4:00 w/ 1:00 off
- 3:00 w/ 1:00 off
- 2:00 w/ 1:00 off
** originally was supposed to do only 5 and 4 minutes, but still had some left in the tank, so cranked out the 3 and 2 minutes.
** didn't count RPMs
- 1/2 Snatch (14kg)
- 4 rounds
- :30/:30 for 3:00 w/ :30 off
- 8-9 RPMs
- Bottoms Up Clean (8kg)
- 2 rounds
- :30/:30 for 3:00 w/ :30 off
- 14 RPMs
** went a little longer today since no school for the kids and I had extra time =)
** since I am doing the 1/2 snatch with the 14kg on Tuesdays...., not sure why I do it with the 12kg on Fridays....