- jumprope:
- 2X 1:30 work/:30 rest
- 1X 2:00 straight jumping rope
- 4X2 pullups with 10# weighted vest
from Daily Fitness solution Blog
- Push-Up Drop Sets
- 10 minutes
- 5 reps each set of pushups - total 15 pushups per round
- Feet Elevated PU
- Regular PU
- Knee PU
*150 total pushups in 10 minutes
cash out:
2X5 KTEs
*REALLY short on time this morning....school bus was running late!
* original workout called for 20 min, was going to do 10 all along, but was going to add 10 min. of pullups on the minute, but knew I was short on time so did the pullups in the buy in.