TGU 16kg 5L/5R
1000 Swings
25 swings done at the top of the minute
40 sets as follows:
25 2 hd sw x6
20 2 hd sw/5r x3
20 2 hd sw/5l x3
5r/5l/5r/5l/5 2hd x3
5r/5l/5r/5l/5r x3
5r/5l/5r/5l/5l x3
10r/10l/5 2 hd x5
10r/10l/5r x3
10l/10r/5l x3
15r/10l x3
15l/10r x3
20r/5l x1
20l/5r x1
Yoga: Pigeon Sequence
running total August swings: 6725
** may as well shoot for 10,000 swings this month....
** may as well shoot for 10,000 swings this month....