2 chin ups (held at top)
Swings 24kg 10sw/:15 rest x10 (100 swings)
Snatch 12kg 5:00r/5:00l for 10:00
H Snatch 16kg :30r/:30l for 5:00
no brainer squats 2 8kg
1 sw/1 sq
2 sw/1 sq
3 sw/1 sq
....... ending with:
10 sw/1 sq
total 55 sw/10 sq
Yoga: Quick Fix
** going back to timed sets, not counting rpm for now
** going back to timed sets, not counting rpm for now
** could have gone longer with the H Snatch, but didn’t want to push it first day back with snatches in 2ish weeks.