2 Chin ups
40 sets of 25 swings on the minute
broken up as follows:
10 sets of 25 2 hd swings
10 sets of 5/5x2 + 5 2 hd swings
10 sets of 10/10 + 5 2 hd swings
5 sets of 20r + 5 2 hd swings
alternating with
5 sets of 20l + 5 2 hd swings
40 minutes, 1000 swings
rest 1 minute
9 sets of 25 swings on the minute
as follows:
2 sets of 25 2 hd swings
2 sets of 25 2 hd swings
2 sets of 5/5 x2 + 5 2 hd swings
2 sets of 10/10 +5 2 hd swings
1 set of 20r + 5 2 hd swings
1 set of 20l + 5 2 hd swings
1 set of 25 2 hd swings
9 minutes, 225 swings
50 minutes total, 1225 swings total
Yoga: Warrior Flow
total swings today: 1225
ongoing swing total: 8265/10000
** Needed an “easy” day, so only used the 16kg
** Needed an “easy” day, so only used the 16kg
** fun workout and the time flew!