2 chin ups held at top
Swings 24kg
10 sw/:15
20 sw/:30
30 sw/:45
40 sw/1 min
5 min, 100 swings
H Snatch 16kg 1:00r/1:00l for 4:00 x3
** rested 1:00 between sets 1 & 2; rested 2:00 before set 3
** held at top for :05 before dropping to rack position
no brainer swings/clean
2 8kg
1 sw/1 cl
2 sw/1 cl
3 sw/1 cl
4 sw/1 cl
5 sw/1 cl
total 15 sw/5 cl
no brainer sw/sq
2 8kg
1 sw/1 sq
2 sw/1 sq
etc. till
5 sw/1 sq
total 15 sw/5 sq
total swings today: 130
ongoing total swings: 9,830 /10,000
** 1st day of school... back to time constraints and training at 6:20.....
** 1st day of school... back to time constraints and training at 6:20.....