TGU 16kg 3r/3l
1 sw rdbt (1 min/1 min)
2 sw rndbt (1.25/1)
3 sw rdbt (1.5/1)
4 sw rdbt (1.75/1)
5 sw rdbt (2/1)
300 sw 12.5 min
1 sw rdab (1 min work/1 min rest) x2 (80)
2 sw rdab (1.25 work/1 min rest) x2 (100)
3 sw rdab (1.5 work/1 min rest) x2 (120)
300 sw 15 min
** UGH and double UGH!!!! I re-tore my blister on the right hand!!!!
back to ...
16kg 2 hd swings
progressive rest ladder
40 sw/:15 rest
40 sw/:30 rest
40 sw/:45 rest
40 sw/1 min rest
40 sw
200 swings, 7.5 min
rinse and repeat
400 swings, 15 min.
total swings today: 300+300+400= 1000
ongoing swing total: 9265/10,000
** As of now I am ending this challenge. Mentally I am wiped!...and dreading tomorrow. I think I made a mistake using the heavier weights- they are what gave me the blister. If I had stuck with the 16 throughout I think I would have been fine.
** As of now I am ending this challenge. Mentally I am wiped!...and dreading tomorrow. I think I made a mistake using the heavier weights- they are what gave me the blister. If I had stuck with the 16 throughout I think I would have been fine.
** The fact that I retore my blister has put me over the edge with this challenge!! My hands were fine this morning and during the 300 16kg swings they were fine so I didn’t tape them. with the 20kg they were getting sweaty and that was my mistake - I used chalk instead of tape.
** going in today, I was thinking of splitting up the swings into 500 this morning and 500 later....but don’t really have the time - stuff to do before vacation...that was probably my first clue I was mentally done.
** my second clue should have been that, the thought of working out for close to an hour again - that includes the yoga- was mentally off putting. I like my short 20-30 min workouts....
** If I had done this with days off inbetween (taken 2 weeks) this challenge would have been totally do-able for me.
** I think 9265 in 9 days is pretty good... :)
but I am really bummed I didn’t finish (only had 735 swings to reach 10,000)