Thursday, September 20, 2012

Swings, H Snatch

Swings 24kg
4 sets of 25 swings on the minute:  100 swings total

Sinister w/24kg
at the top of :30 - 5sw, 10sw, 15sw, 20sw
1 round, 50 swings

H Snatch  20kg   
1r/1l; 2r/2l x1
1r/1l; 2r/2l; 3r/3l x2
** 2 min rest between all rounds
** held at top between :10-:20

Sinister w/24kg
at the top of :30 - 5sw, 10sw, 15sw, 20sw
1 round, 50 swings

total swings: 200