16kg 3l/3r
“5 reps at a time”
5 swings at the top of every :15
20 sets of 5 reps w/24kg (5 min work/2 min rest) 100
20 sets of 5 reps w/2 -12kg (5 min work/2 min rest) 100
20 sets of 5 reps w/2 -14kg (5 min work/2 min rest) 100
20 sets of 5 reps w/20kg (5 min work/2 min rest) 100
total 400 swings
** changed the order of the bells- I wasn’t sure how much time I would have and I wanted to swing the 2 -14kgs. Ended up I had time so I swung the 20kg at the end. Amazing how light the 20 is after swinging the 2 -14s!!
** changed the order of the bells- I wasn’t sure how much time I would have and I wanted to swing the 2 -14kgs. Ended up I had time so I swung the 20kg at the end. Amazing how light the 20 is after swinging the 2 -14s!!
** HOORAY!! :) got through the 20 sets of 2-14kg nonstop! :)