RoP - variety day/conditioning intervals
buy in:
- 12kg
- 3l/3r
conditioning intervals
from the Daily Fitness Solution Blog
advanced level
- 5X 30/30 Jump Rope
- 5X 30/30 Burpees - 7,8,8,8,8
- 5X 30/30 Mountain Climbers ( this was the hardest of all 4 exercises!!)
- 5X 30/30 Squats - 13,14,15,15, 16
cash out:
- 3x 5l/5r renegade row (8kg- since I can't remember the last time I did these!)
*Hard workout. Surprisingly the mountain climbers were the hardest!!!.
*kept track of my numbers for the burpees and squats only (in bold above)
*squats were a$$ to grass every time! awesome form! =).... it took me so long to get these right, I am now always thrilled when I do them!!
*a definite do again! really liked it!