Wednesday, April 28, 2010

RoP - moderate day

week 17 day 3
RoP - moderate day

buy in:
  • 2 rounds
  • 10 pushups
  • 10 squats

  • 5X4 c&p with pullups (16kg)

cash out:
  • Snatches (16kg)
  • 10 minutes
  • 2 rounds - 2X 5r/5l - 30 seconds rest
  • 5 rounds - 1X 5l/5r - 30 seconds rest (may have done 6 rounds- I think I forgot to write down a round)

* good workout.
* hesitated between the cleans and presses so I knew I wasn't using momentum to press up the bell
* no push presses (but I haven't in a long time)
* last set took me the longest.... a little sad this is my last real day of ETK, since I am going to test on Saturday.
* just for something different I wanted to snatch today (plus I did swings yesterday)
* thought the 10 minutes would NEVER be over!!!! =)

* I think I went a week to long on ETK - I should have tested last Saturday. Mentally I am thinking of what I want to do next.... which ironically, if I can't press the 20kg, is doing c&p ladders 10X1,2,3 like Anthony of AOS suggests.... or SIM