buy in:
- elliptical 3 minutes
- 5x5 c&p with pullups (16kg)
cash out:
- Swings (20kg)
- 9 minutes
- 1 minute on/ 15 seconds off
- 7 rounds + 15 more seconds on to finish the 9 minutes
WHOO HOO!!!! Great 5X5 today!!
** I completed the 5X5 in 57 minutes. Last week it took me 1 hour and 10 minutes
** Rested 2 minutes between ladders except between ladders 3 and 4, I rested 1.5 minutes
** I didn't realize this is only the 2nd time I've done the 5X5 with the 16kg =) - very happy today!!!
** even though I did great with todays workout, I am still going to drop to the 12kg for at least next week
** I still really want to work on form, and today a few presses would have gone up easier if I had had better form. - sometimes I stick my hip out, and I want to try to stop that.... plus, I've been with the 16kg on RoP for 9 weeks now, and though I can technically stop, since I've done the 5X5 with the 16, I really want to nail it the way I envision before I stop....hope that makes sense! ;)