- 10 Swings :15 seconds rest X5 (:15 work/ :15 rest ratio) 14kg
- H Snatch (14kg) 20:00
- rest 1:30
- Jerk (20kg) 5:00
** wasn't planning this workout - my basement was REALLY cold this morning at 6:30a.m. even with the space heater, so I was going to do the H snatch with the 14kg for the first 5:00 set - as a warm up/work set- and then use the 16kg for the rest of the workout, but I was having so much fun, I just continued with the 14kg.... after, I wasn't fatigued, so I picked up the 20kg to see how long I could jerk it for. If I had more time, I would have rested :30 and then jerked it or the 16kg for another 5:00. Still a good workout/training day, so no complaints =)