- 3X3 pullups
- 10 swings/ :15 rest X5 (14kg)
- drop set swings:
- 1 round:
- 24kg 15/15
- 20kg 25/25
- 14kg 35/35
Tracy's back to basics swings
1 st rotation
20 2 hd sw
20 tr
1 sw, 1 tr x 10 (20 reps)
5/5 1 hand swings x 2 (20 reps)
20 2 hd sw
2 1/2 minutes work/1 min. rest
2nd rotation
20 2 hd sw
1 sw, 1 tr x 10 (20 reps)
5/5 1 hand swings x 2 (20 reps)
20 tr
20 2 hd sw
2 1/2 minutes work/1 min. rest
3rd rotation
20 2 hd sw
5/5 1 hand swings x 2 (20 reps)
20 tr
1 sw, 1 tr (20 reps)
20 2 hd sw
2 1/2 minutes work/1 min. rest
repeat, in order, 10 times = 1000 reps (ends with the 1st rotation btw)
** all done with the 16kg, except the last round I did with the 14kg. By that time I had already done 1000 swings (if you include the buy in)
** as always, a tough fun workout from Tracy!! =)