Tuesday, February 2, 2010

ETK - c&p

week 5 day 2

buy in:
  • 8kg
  • 2 rounds
  • swings 10
  • grind: snatch/  windmill/ tgu

  • 3X5 c&p with pullups (30#kettlebell)

cash out:
1/2 snatch
  • 16kg
  • top of each minute:
  • 2-4-6-4-2

  • 12 kg
  • 1 minute each hand: 2 minutes total
** read the article here on the dd forum about going too heavy on c&p and wanted to make sure I was okay...
**since I read the article, I decided to try the 30# today just to see if the 16kg is where I should be...
**will continue this week with the 30# and do 5X5 next practice day. Next week I will start back up with the 16kg which is where I think I should be....it just may take me a little longer to get thru the ROP....
**had no problem with the 30# =)
**push pressed once - at the 2nd ladder, 5th rep of the 5th rung, but I think that's because the clean didn't come up right...... 
**wasn't sure if I wanted to do 5 minutes total with the 12kg or the pyramid with the 16kg.
**went with the 16kg, form was okay, tweaked my form a little....
**did the 1 minute each arm with the 12kg, just to satisfy myself I got the form right and know how to snatch! ;)
**used the drop and catch with the 12kg. Hands look good!