Wednesday, February 24, 2010

ETK - ROP moderate day

week 8 day 3
ROP - moderate day

buy in:
  • dynamic warm up
  • hold down dog 1:00 minute

  • 3X3 c&p with pullups (16kg)

cash out:
  • swings (20kg)
  • 9 minutes

** no push presses =)
** still need to wait a few seconds (:30 ) on the 3rd set of each ladder, between reps 2 and 3 to press.
** c&p's are getting easier =)
** tension, tension, tension!
**as follows:
  • round 1: 2 minutes - 1 minute 2 handed, then switched every 15 seconds
  • round 2 & 3: 1.5 minutes total: first minute 2 handed, then switched every 15 seconds
  • round 4: 2 minutes - :30 seconds 2 handed, then switched every 5 swings!
  • 25 seconds rest between rounds
  • 9 seconds left on timer at the end!
** taking longer rests on my moderate day....