Wednesday, February 17, 2010


week 7 day 3
ROP - moderate day

buy in:
  • light stretching
  • sun salutations
  • hold down dog for one minute

  • 3X3 c&p with pullups (16kg)

cash out:
  • Swings (20kg)
  • 11 minutes!!

** VERY tired today, c&p's did NOT go so well. 
** push pressed quite a few, and even one on the right side!!!
** this was my first day of c&p's at 6 a.m.!
** at one point considered packing it in, and doing the workout later in the day, but don't have time, which is why I need to workout at 6 a.m.!... actually, I should have been down there earlier, but couldn't get my butt in gear!
** 2 minute rest between ladders
** surprisingly, my swings went well =)
** I was NOT happy when the dice came up with an 11!!! I was hoping for a 2 or 3 ;)
  • all rounds 1.5 minutes except last round was 1 minute:
  • 1 round 2 handed for 1.5 minutes
  • 2 rounds 2 handed for 1 minute then switching hands every 15 seconds
  • 2 rounds :30 seconds 2 handed, then switch hands
  • 1 round :30 seconds 2  handed, then switch hands for 1 minute
  • :30 seconds rest between all rounds
** I was really hoping this week to do 3X3 c&p all week and start increasing next week...oh well, one more week of getting back into the early morning groove and I should be okay.....
** the swings today really saved my practice today from being a total wash!