Tuesday, February 9, 2010


week 6 day 2
ROP- easy day

buy in:
  • tgu
  • 12kg
  • 5l/5r

  • 3X3 c&p with pullups (16kg)

cash out:
  • 1/2 snatch (16kg)
  • rolled dice: 12 minutes
  • 10l/10r
  • 1 minute rest

** had to push press a couple of times on the left side, right side no problem
** with perfect form on left side, the kettlebell went up fine. couldn't always get it together -mentally/physically for perfect form on left though...
** I did the c&p throughout (not the one clean and then press 1,2 or 3 times as recommended in ETK)
** 2 minute rest between ladders
**did the 1/2 snatch. form was spot on!
** rolled the dice and ended up with 12 minutes!!!....stupid dice!!!
** I needed the 1 minute rest between snatch sets

the entire workout took me about 45 minutes....

I am debating what to do, do I continue to use the 16kg which is a challenge for my left side? or drop to the 30# kettlebell which I can easily do the 5X5 ladders????? according to the dd forums and etk, if you can do the 5X5 ladders then you are ready to move up to the next size bell.....
also, this was my easy day, so next time should I do a moderate day of 3X4 ladders? or continue with the 3X3 ladders? I really like the easy/mod/heavy days and they worked well for me with pttp, so I would like to continue them.....maybe make my easy day a 3X2 ladder?????