TGU 16kg 3r/3l
50 rounds
10 sw/:15 rest (1:1 ratio)
500 swings
rested the total song Turn the Page by Metallica
5/5, :15 rest
10/10, :30 rest
15/15, :45 rest
20/20, 1 min rest
100 total swings
progressive rest ladder:
20r/20l/:15 rest (40 total swings)
20r/20l/:30 rest
20r/20l/:45 rest
20r/20l/1 min rest
200 swings, 7.5 min
1 sw roundabouts (1 min work/1 min rest) x5
1 sw roundabout = 40 swings
200 swings total
1 set 2 sw roundabout just for fun! :)
Yoga: Quick Fix
total swings today: 500+100+200+200= 1000
ongoing swing total: 5000/10000
** SO EXCITED I got the roundabout!!!! Once everything clicked they were so much fun the time flew!! I tried the 2 sw roundabout just to make sure I got it for real and it wasn’t a fluke!
** SO EXCITED I got the roundabout!!!! Once everything clicked they were so much fun the time flew!! I tried the 2 sw roundabout just to make sure I got it for real and it wasn’t a fluke!
** I wasn’t sure I was going to get thru the 500 24kg swings....looked at the gymboss, had 16 more sets to go....figured I would go 6 more sets for sure and then see how I felt. Pulled it out!