16kg 1l/1r
18kg 1l/1lr
20kg 3l/3r
rotation 1 repeated twice
first round with the 24kg
second round with the 20kg
10 2 hd sw x 5 (2.5)
11, 12, 13, 14, 15 reps (2.5)
5 min, 115 swing per rotation
** 2 rotations - 10 min., 230 swings
1x5 @ 115#
1x5 @ 125#
1x5 @ 130#
Yoga: Sun Salutations
** thinking of switching to the PTTP method of deadlifting the heavier weight first then dropping to the lower weight....still using the 115 as a warm up....
** thinking of switching to the PTTP method of deadlifting the heavier weight first then dropping to the lower weight....still using the 115 as a warm up....