"All Sets of 10"
warm up x2
10 2 hd sw x 4
5 2 hd sw/5 one hd sw R & L x 2 (alternating, 4 sets total)
10 2 hd sw x 2
5 2 hd sw/5 one hd sw R & L x 1 (alternate, 2 sets total)
6 min. 120 swings x3 - 18 min, 360 swings
5 min rest....then:
5 min rest....then:
5/5 x 4 (work for 15 sec, rest for 15 sec)
10/10, 30/30 work/rest
15/15, 45/45 work/rest
20/20, 1 min/1 min work/rest
5/5 x 3 (work for 15 sec, rest for 15 sec)
10/10, 30/30 work/rest
15/15, 45/45 work/rest
5/5 x 2 (work for 15 sec, rest for 15 sec)
10/10, 30/30 work/rest
5/5 x 1
twice through - 520 swings
5/5 x 3 (work for 15 sec, rest for 15 sec)
10/10, 30/30 work/rest
15/15, 45/45 work/rest
5/5 x 2 (work for 15 sec, rest for 15 sec)
10/10, 30/30 work/rest
120 swings
Yoga: Warrior Flow
todays swing total: 360+520+120=1000
ongoing total: 3000/10,000
** 5/5 workout: 1st round all rests at :15. 2nd round and additional swings rests as rx’d.
** blister on right hand :(
** will not be adding a 24kg rotation each day, will limit it to 1-3 rounds (see note #2)