3 chin ups
ab wheel roll outs 2x6
Swings 20kg: 5 2 hd sw + 5 one hd sw x 2 x 10
100 swings
H Snatch 14kg 3:00r/3:00l; 1:00r/1:00l; 1:00r/1:00l for 10:00 (14rpm)
** paced 3-4 sn every :15
** planned to stop at 6:00, but having so much fun I wanted to continue
rest 3:00
1ALCCJ 14kg 1:00r/1:00l for 6:00 w/1:00off (11rpm)
** paced 5-6 c&j per :30
** I think my arms were fatigued from the snatches, wanted to do 3/3 for 6, but knew that wasn’t happening after the first minute :(
Long Cycle Clean and Press 14kg 3 sets of 5r/5l
** don’t know why I tried this - not fun or challenging....
Yoga: Hip Openers