buy in:
- 12kg
- 3l/3r
- 20kg
- 16 minutes
- 1 min on/ 1 minute rest
- 2 handed
- :30 2 handed then switching arms every 5 swings
- DARCY swings
- :30 2 handed then switching arms every 5 swings
cash out:
- 1/2 snatch practice
- 16kg
- pyramid of 2-4-6-4-2
- starting the snatch at the top of each minute
**VERY happy with today's practice!!! =)
**snatches looked good!
**next week I will be continuing the pm, and will be combining the tgu and swings.
**I feel I have the tgu down, and love to use it for my buy ins, so I'm good with not practing them on a separate day;)