week 1 day 1
buy in:
buy in:
wall squats/halos/ pumps - 3 cycles
12 minutes
30 seconds on/ 30 seconds off24kg kettlebell
cash out:
5@ 145#
5@ 135#
....just because it was weird NOT to do deadlifts today ;)
**buy in: used 20#kb for halos, pumps were good, but wrists were sore by the end, will be alternating the warmups....
**Swings: HARD!! Haven't swung Bertha (my 24#kb) in about 3 months!! wasn't sure what to swing for ETK, still deciding. 12 minutes was hard, and my form was not so good for the last round.
**not sure why I deadlifted today, wasn't planning on it, but it felt weird not to!! so I worked on form. I do want to try and deadlift 1-2X a week still....