Bear Complex
buy in:
* 30 box jumps - 20" box
* 30 squats
Bear Complex
5 rounds
7 reps per round
Max load final round
1 rep is:
- power clean
- front squat
- push press/push jerk
- return the bar behind the neck
- back squat
- push press/push jerk (from behind the neck)
- return to rack
Cash out:
work your hips out with some pigeon pose and walking lunge stretches
- round 1: 45#
- round 2: 50#
- round 3: 55#
- round 4: 60# (the most I've done in this workout)
- round 5: 65# (personal best)
** just made it thru for round 4!
** I was going to just try for 2 reps with round 5 - knocked out 4, dumped the weight, realized I probably could have done more, picked up the bar and knocked out the last 3!! :) WHOO HOO!!
** when I looked at the workout, it is very deceptive, I thought .... 7 reps each round!!?? no problem, and I get to rest after each round??!! groovy!....WRONG!!! this was one HARD workout!! ** I was going to just try for 2 reps with round 5 - knocked out 4, dumped the weight, realized I probably could have done more, picked up the bar and knocked out the last 3!! :) WHOO HOO!!
** This is the first time I've done this workout this way. Very Challenging!! But I LIKED it!! :)
I totally rocked the workout today!!